Monday, July 15, 2002

sigh. the things we have to do to draw a little attention around here. yes. i'm talking about youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-_-.
"i misssss my ********* soooooooooooooooo much !!!!!! boooooohooooooooooo soooooooooooo sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
argh so ........ damn......... it................grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
i had to sit through 12x10mins of whiny/monotonous tones whose owners were all too nervous to even say thanks when i wished them good luck........and i had to listen to each n everyone of them going "it's not fair......" in all sorts of whiny tones (if you were wondering....that WAS the first sentence of the passage)
according to ms yeo today's was the toughest of the lot.........har.HAR. hmmm...yeah it was pretty ridiculous......4 girls from.....dunno which planet from dunno which system from dunno which galaxy from dunno what group from dunno which corner of the universe. and oh yes from dunno which era. dressed in gross stuff strutting around on a "star parade" stage.........n i was listening to all of them going "this is.......a picture........of..........4 girls..........................*breathe heavily*..........". "they are probably from the .... 70s or 80s...." *breathe* ".....and the one on the left is dressed in....a low-cut polkadotted blouse. the girl is of...medium-built....." *breathe* "............and the one on her left, ....... has.......a....scarf draped over her....... left.........shoulder......"

and i was so blardy fed up doing the bio tys...........aaaaaaargh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh. urgh.

more Fremdsprache anyone?
today: ayúdeme
i hope that was espanol from the right country.

hmmm....look at this interesting article:
Why Should You Study German?
by Brian Zahn


I just got back from a Goethe Institut workshop and there was brochure there titled "Go Global - Select German" Here is some information from the brochure: (some info paraphrased)

Learning German helps students get better SAT and ACT scores At the University of California, more majors require the study of German than other langauges (German 56 majors, French 43 majors, Spanish 21 majors, Japanese 7 majors)

Among many academic programs requiring or recommending German are: anatomy, art history, biochemistry, biology, biomedical physics, botany, chemistry, design, engineering, film studies, genetics, linguistics, logic and mthodology of science, molecular biology, music, near eastern studies, philosophy, physical science, physics, physiology, religious studies, zoology

German is a key language in the European Union and in the rapidly growing markets of Central and Eastern Europe

Germany is America's largest European trading partner with more than 750 major American firms doing business in Germany

1100 German companies do business in the US

More than 25% of all foreign tourists visiting the US come from German-speaking countries, spending more than $37 billinon annually around the world

In a 1994 survey conducted by the German-American Chamber of Commerce, 65% of all respondents stated they were looking specifically for German/English bilingual skills

German companies in the US pay German-speaking employees premium salaries

The German speaking countries are among the most popular destintations for American travellers

Many people don't realize that German is the most widely spoken language in Europe

American history has been shaped by Germans (General Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, Carl Schurz, Heinrich Steinway, Johann August Roebling, Levi Strauss)
Julie Baird


Full Text: COPYRIGHT 1997 The European Ltd.
WILLY BRANDT, the former German chancellor, once said: "If I'm selling to you, I speak your language. If I'm buying, dann müssen Sie Deutsch sprechen."
Hank Schwab, Indianapolis, IN


NONE of the G7 (8) countries speak Spanish. While they are BOTH important world languages, an enormous amount of material is made available first and sometimes only in German in academic fields such as banking, engineering, the sciences, ANY humanities field, medicine, social sciences, etc. German companies and research institutions are world leaders in many of these areas. (Try to think of the name of a Spanish-speaking multinational with representation in the US - then think of a German one - it's easy...VW, Mercedes, BMW, Bayer, Adidas, BASF, Mentos (!), etc.) In the US when you talk good-paying jobs and $$$ people listen. The world is only going to get smaller and German is NOT just a regional language with cute Volkslieder.
Tim Madler

wow. Mentos!!


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