Sunday, September 26, 2004

well just finished watching vertical limit so time for another show review! =) rambling time more like.
it was quite disturbing, and it brought to mind what mr khoo said, about A.I., how computers will never be human because they can't perceive the value of infinity. "2 lives are worth more than 1? no, two inifinities are not larger than one infinity".
but only the front part was truly disturbing, the repeating scenario at the end where the old guy cut his rope to save (give them a chance to survive, rather) the rest only brought to mind "aaas predicted" unfortunately. well at least he got a part of his wish fulfilled before he died.
but the dad..was..ouch. such a great dad. but well i figured life's all about sacrifices; some people have less so that we can have more, whether the "so that" is a "damit" (with the intention of) or a "sodaß" (as a result). ah heil deutsch.
actually right now i feel rather inspired to sacrifice my life for, any worthy purpose. so what if you die, so what if you live? his sister (whatever their names are i can't remember. oh peter and annie. so sweet), annie, (now that she has a name) lives, gets to see peter, the other 6 (more actually) who died...well they just died and had their picture pinned on the mass of rocks at base camp. it doesn't sound like too bad an idea...everything just, ceases, to exist, to happen. no i'm not suicidal. but...i really don't see much significance, in the difference between living and dying. actually i'd live not for things i'd get to see or enjoy, but for not wanting to miss people around me.
well i often think, dying is like, causing a little localised ripple in this world. but the ripple fades away over time. well alright maybe it's a little different, there'll always be a little indentation at the centre.
the sound of "everything just ceases" isn't that bad. (no really, i'm not suicidal.) actually my mom will personally assure me that everything will cease if she ever sees this. she thinks life is the most important thing; i disagree with her at times and she'd say i'm dumb. maybe i'll change my mind and adopt hers when i have kids. but for now i still think there are some things worth dying for.

let's see, they managed to get the sister out, in the course of which....ah, 4 rescuers died. it's...too complicated for my brain right now, i can't make a judgement=S. and the only conclusion i can make for the night is, mountain climbing is scary, no equipment is reliable. (all the picks or whatever you call it keep slipping at the critical moments). the pakistanis were cute=)


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