Thursday, April 20, 2006

spring has come and gone. time to go home.

yes spring break has passed. it was good =))). i got to drive alot. but that = greater chance of getting caught, and i was. *scrunches face. $$ fly away. oh well. first trophy, as my seniors reassure me. and they were very nice to offer to pay for half of it too. awww.
i thought our white water rafting was fantastic, in east tennessee. we were in north carolina too! but way too far from duke harhar. called ooi and joshua when i was in north carolina. enjoyed the drive there from tennessee, mountainous and very very scenic. =)). go karted, kayaked and cabin-ed in kentucky, and there was a little episode with with a border collie... hmmmmm. pretty exciting story. oh yeah stayed in haunted hotel in arkansas too.. eh. spooky. at first thought it was grand but... after finding out the history of the town..=SSS eeee. oh yeah had kfc buffet in arkansas too. -burp- excuse me.
enjoyed talking to my seniors=) although could've done more of it! all 3 leaving liao..2 graduating the other going uk for a sem overseas. awwww. well...looking forward to freshmen coming in.. but hai. good times don't last forevcer eh.

mwg was the weekend after springbreak, on april 1st. got to see christine!!!, selene, val (who is so damn hilarious. i like her=), jer and jem, junrong. shiok. it was so good to see them. too bad we weren't there very long. didn't have enough time to spend with everyone. kinda sad as we drove off (oh yeah i got to drive quite alot. think the springbreak driving really helped build confidence, in others more like. harhar). kinda sad mich swept 1st for everything. -snort-.

april 8th - happy birthday Xu Xu! i called her and we talked for a while harhar. and Adeline budd. msged her, tried, but i think didn't get through.
and upcoming, april 22nd, xizzy!!
april 26th. hon. happy birthday girls. welcome to the world of 20s. hurhur.

made some new friends.. recently have been hanging out with grace and eunice alot more. studied with grace yesterday. and andrew's so happy he's going to fat don's next week. harhar. good for him. nice to make pple happy. on sat night grace invited me over for dinner too. curry. yumyum. a little piece of home. and i brought dessert harhar=) sweet. today just went jogging with eunice..for tmr we planned a mini roadtrip to a state park 30 mins from here=). that's the thing, if you like it, go ahead and do it. feeling a little stretched thin. there are friends, many, and there's work. just amongst the friends i've not enough time to spread.. sigh. feels bad. feel guilty.
yay was invited to dinner at dennis' and vincent's apartment after that. wah flattered flattered. yesterday was a super sweet day for many good things. anyway after tmr's dinner there's the apartment crawl. bwaharharhar. but signed up as nondrinker=P

life is alright... coming home real soon, supposed to be 20th may. and all these friends back home to meet up with. gosh can't wait. my astar friends, my 412 girl-friends=) wah can't wait can't wait. and also my juniors! got a call from one of them the other day, seems like i was the only suaku and overexcited one=PP harhar. hmmm... someone was telling me, you can tell over time, which friends are for keeping.. but right now i seem to have many many and that just makes my day=)

exams coming. 3 weeks from now.. hmmmmmm.....shrug. see how it goes.
oh yeah staying a bit later after school ends. hope to store away my things... oh yeah we're having end of sem gathering + grad lunch for graduating seniors, and i'm the secretary for the ssa (singapore students' association.) so have to help out mah. but good chance to take many photos with graduating seniors. -sniff-. harhar psst, after going for mwg i Really treasure the ssa here=P the pple here are great=)
afterwards entertain friend, then stay with junwan and fiona in seniors' apartment.. slack around.. go to chicago around=) looking forward to shopping for all my friends back home. then already asked if i can stay with xu xu=)). yay. then off to home i fly! (and work bleah)
so fast. 2 sems over and done with. amongst many things, i feel that being overseas is really a test of my character. i've never felt more..i can't find the right word, i suppose "examined" would do, for who i am, how i behave and what i stand for. still don't know myself well, still going through life half-asleep.


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