Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow Day (again) AND Vday

take that. har.
unbelievably blissful day it was too..
caught up majorly on sleep though i set my alarm for 9am (early, by my standards), went for lunch at like 3pm with junwan. nothing much, just joined the boys in hotwok. came back very happy... for some reason. i suddenly felt that, if only life could be like this forever, so simple and straightforward (at least around me...) and happy. and that made me look forward to my house next year=P
attempted to do some work, before junwan picked me up for dinner with her and liyana. gave the crowd a miss (and i'm drains me at times.. i've already done this twice and both times i've felt so happy about it=PP i'm becoming antisocial.. oops.) and had a wonderful all-girls' night at dorcas, binging on food and sharing stories and laughs and eyerolling and exasperations and we-can't-make-it-how-ar. girls. don't you just love them. we made a date for the next vday.

we dropped by manwok after that, where the crowd was still having their dinner. so nice to see everyone, but glad i wasn't in the midst of it harhar. gravitated towards fiona and joshua, talked a little, and then the 3 of us were off again. we stopped by moonstruck, got liyana sth, who got each of us a chocolate heart too =), and got a few slices of cake for the pple around us=). junwan's great idea.
many things made my day of course, snowday, min ah's little gift, zhixiu's rose (from scratch, but looked perfect/purchased. not to show off, but he only made a few. it just made me feel..... hmm... accepted. after so long. that was what made me happy, and taken by surprise actually..) subtly given, liyana and junwan's dinner company, liyana's chocolate heart, even dquek's niceness for once=P (he didn't call me poony last night, and was actually friendly at manwok. pffft)... it's been pretty memorable... and happy of course. i think when i leave here i can really say i had a great time.
hmmm, wasistdennvermisst.
happy anniversary, illinois license. harhar.


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