Thursday, June 28, 2007

over my head

the weekend was good stuff, a little smoky. harhar. i enjoyed myself, basking in all the singaporeaness. i never would have imagined, that i'd enjoy summer so.=)... but i was somewhat dazed and confused too....hmmmmmmm. shrugs.
and a little was all ok at the beginning of summer, and then something snapped and i don't even know what. =S. well is it my fault?? tell me if it is. otherwise get off of it.

it rained yesterday, so it was meant to be that i stayed home and got started on that packing i had promised to do nonlastminutedly. so i did. took a little bit of courage just to start. hmm..i don't really have alot of stuff i realised...i think a 3rd of my possessions = books, a 3rd = clothes and the other 3rd...HARHAR. like various lotions that i will never get down to using, which i bought just coz they smelled nice. doh. hmm really little possessions. nah i like it that way.
and i had alot of papers... stuff...papery stuff... 90% of which i threw out as i filtered through them. me thinking. i used to be such a hang-on-to-everything-for-dear-life-or-memory person...but now i just love to get around with minimal baggage.... yerp. learn to detach yourself from all that is ephemeral kiddo. ;(
well everything's spilled all over my living room floor, but no worries, i've got it all under control. i just have to throw out half of what's in the living room and the remainder's keepers. i wish i had an suv, so i could fit everything into my car. well maybe my chrysler's magically big enough. who knows.
i even got my bag for home all packed...=)....two more weeks. and my prof's on holiday for the next two weeks. winks;)

hmmm...also, on my way home yesterday something suddenly came to my mind. inspired by the weekend i must say. i think, that people who knowingly or unknowingly seek attention of those around them/display selfcenteredness (nb, not selfish-ness) haven't or refuse to grow up. respectively. and they are, not to mention, irritating. food for thought. yumyum.

and i can pretty safely say that "my fallen idol" is my fav scrubs episode. oops. hurhurhur.

another Very spontaneous weekend getaway perhaps? whaddya say.

and remind me to continue living in my own world in fall just like i did/do in summer=).


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