You have always been on the move seeking affectionate, satisfying and harmonious relationships. Your ultimate goal has been the realization of an intimate union in which there could be love, self-sacrifice and mutual trust. It has often been said that 'True love is just around the corner' and - if you haven't found it as yet - you possibly soon will.
The way things are at this time is causing you considerable stress and anxiety. Your friends and acquaintances consider you to be - to say the least - difficult and unapproachable. Now it is because of this that you need to find some sort of solution. By doing nothing and waiting for matters to right themselves will only make things worse, but don't rush into making hasty decisions - make haste slowly.
oh dear...
segeln. ruhe. zwang
Wednesday, September 25, 2002
Tuesday, September 24, 2002
hmm. bourne identity was pretty good. even "lola" was pretty cool (she didn`t really sound very..exciting at first. har she kept cursing.....=S) .....and matt damon gets better too. i sort of always remembered him as a villain...and....little boy (thought he wasn't very nice in ripley) good for him now that he's all grown up =) (and good for him that he's a harvard grad...oh wait...he dropped out. ah well.)
the action was, as val said....pretty real, the cracking sounds were a bit loud though....esp. with the surround sound. thought the last part....where the professor got killed....was pretty sad.hmm. it was all...quite sad... but...i mean here you are a lean mean killing, alert, strong....good at fighting....ruthless (to a certain extent)...*my hero* type.....and a soft spot for kids.......isn't that...ironic. ah well i guess that's what made him still human. =) yay. movies rule.
maybe i'm just really deprived of movies............ah. if only it were free=P
Sunday, September 22, 2002
RE: Valerie
yes it shows only one side. one billionth part of truth. (and i still think it's (duh) propaganda and that you're being swayed i mean there are so many *sob sob* stories and they only choose to expose this)
you know, from having the only exciting thing of the year to be a calendar (mind you, it's coloured too) to building an empire on cow feed, you shouldn't just look at how he spends. can you imagine what he had to go through........ i can't.
and like i said, i'm sure such pple don't just exist in china.....yes it's quite..shameful....
but have you see foreign businessmen in china? i can tell you they do just the same. and you know who are the worst ones? apart from pple from hongkong and taiwanese, SINGAPOREANS contribute to a large proportion.
not only businessmen actually, tourists even.
you should see the looks in their eyes, the "it's so obvious i'm superior and you're inferior, just because i'm from singapore/hongkong/taiwan and you're all no good mainlanders whose ancestors didn't dare migrate to little islands in boats and just because my money's worth more than yours"
you get what i mean.
and the equally disgusting thing is, all the saleswomen have this glimmer in their eyes that go "ahhh you're from singapore/hongkong/taiwan you're superior i'm inferior i'd better treat you right" while on the other hand, "you lousy #$!#!@$# you shouldn't be in this shop we're too good for you i bet you don't have enough $$$"
and you know, sometimes i really feel ashamed looking at some singaporeans, to think that we have the same roots? but then again...i just comfort myself, i just....lie to myself and say, they're from southern china. we're different. unfortunately..that's pretty....really....very...sad.
i hate people.
p.s. regarding the capitalism vs communism giving rise (to the show of....vanity....) remember push and pull factors.
if capitalism never came along, pple wouldn't know about profit making, greed, the-more-the-better, but then again, if communism was never implemented, i guess the contrast wouldn't be so extreme and stark (which means strong in german btw....=)
Monday, September 16, 2002
My Bloginality is ISTJ!!!
oh but i got alot of Us for our...character test thing....hmmm.
Possible Career Paths for the ISTJ:
Business Executives, Administrators and Managers
Accountants and Financial Officers
Police and Detectives
Medical Doctors / Dentists
Computer Programmers, Systems Analysts, and Computer Specialists
Military Leaders
ooo.all pain-inflicting excluding the computers one. oh but then again....computers are always pained by me...and vice versa
Sunday, September 15, 2002
![]() | ![]() |
All the great heroes can fly. And thats what I am, a great hero. I am well rounded. I have a good sense of right and wrong. I seek to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people, but my friends always come first, especially if it's a romantic interest. Despite my amazing gifts, I prefer a quiet position away from the limelight, maybe among the clouds. |
a bit.....unrealistic.....right.
Tuesday, September 10, 2002
sigh. i watched the show too. i......would have cried and cried and cried nonstop if i had been watching it alone.....i agree....all those pple crying, devastation, disbelief...all the candles and the haunted faces...reality's not sinking in for me yet. i.......
i don't think i'll ask those "why" questions. i've given up. maybe there is no hope for us after all. sorry if i sound pessmistic..but...i think we should just destroy ourselves and let earth start all over again. maybe we're really all about vengeance, hatred and violence.
still think this is a nice poem..
'For The Fallen'
With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
England mourns for her dead across the sea.
Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of spirit,
Fallen in the cause of the free.
Solemn the drums thrill: Death august and royal
Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres.
There is music in the midst of desolation
And a glory that shines upon our tears.
They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
They mingle not with laughing comrades again;
They sit no more at familiar tables of home;
They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;
They sleep beyond England's foam.
But where our desires are and our hopes profound,
Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,
To the innermost heart of their own land they are known
As the stars are known to the Night;
As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust,
Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain,
As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,
To the end, to the end, they remain.
Laurence Binyon (1869-1943)
Saturday, September 07, 2002
congrats to me. or rather, congrats to NE. after studying singapore history for, what, 2.5 years, and only on the last day of my secondary school life i realise that lky wasn't so saintly after all.
and i realise, all these...extremists and terrorists actually arise from desperate pple. desperate, oppressed, victims. think IRA, think tamil tigers. reflect and weep, bushes.
Monday, September 02, 2002
The Awful German Language
Mark Twain
I went often to look at the collection of curiosities in Heidelberg Castle, and one day I surprised the keeper of it with my German. I spoke entirely in that language. He was greatly interested; and after I had talked a while he said my German was very rare, possibly a "unique"; and wanted to add it to his museum.
If he had known what it had cost me to acquire my art, he would also have known that it would break any collector to buy it. Harris and I had been hard at work on our German during several weeks at that time, and although we had made good progress, it had been accomplished under great difficulty and annoyance, for three of our teachers had died in the mean time. A person who has not studied German can form no idea of what a perplexing language it is.
Surely there is not another language that is so slipshod and systemless, and so slippery and elusive to the grasp. One is washed about in it, hither and thither, in the most helpless way; and when at last he thinks he has captured a rule which offers firm ground to take a rest on amid the general rage and turmoil of the ten parts of speech, he turns over the page and reads, "Let the pupil make careful note of the following exceptions." He runs his eye down and finds that there are more exceptions to the rule than instances of it. So overboard he goes again, to hunt for another Ararat and find another quicksand. Such has been, and continues to be, my experience. Every time I think I have got one of these four confusing "cases" where I am master of it, a seemingly insignificant preposition intrudes itself into my sentence, clothed with an awful and unsuspected power, and crumbles the ground from under me.
The German word also is the equivalent of the English phrase "You know," and does not mean anything at all -- in talk, though it sometimes does in print. Every time a German opens his mouth an also falls out; and every time he shuts it he bites one in two that was trying to get out.
The Germans have another kind of parenthesis, which they make by splitting a verb in two and putting half of it at the beginning of an exciting chapter and the other half at the end of it. Can any one conceive of anything more confusing than that? These things are called "separable verbs." The German grammar is blistered all over with separable verbs; and the wider the two portions of one of them are spread apart, the better the author of the crime is pleased with his performance. A favorite one is reiste ab -- which means departed. Here is an example which I culled from a novel and reduced to English:
"The trunks being now ready, he DE- after kissing his mother and sisters, and once more pressing to his bosom his adored Gretchen, who, dressed in simple white muslin, with a single tuberose in the ample folds of her rich brown hair, had tottered feebly down the stairs, still pale from the terror and excitement of the past evening, but longing to lay her poor aching head yet once again upon the breast of him whom she loved more dearly than life itself, PARTED."
In German, all the Nouns begin with a capital letter. Now that is a good idea; and a good idea, in this language, is necessarily conspicuous from its lonesomeness. I consider this capitalizing of nouns a good idea, because by reason of it you are almost always able to tell a noun the minute you see it. You fall into error occasionally, because you mistake the name of a person for the name of a thing, and waste a good deal of time trying to dig a meaning out of it. German names almost always do mean something, and this helps to deceive the student. I translated a passage one day, which said that "the infuriated tigress broke loose and utterly ate up the unfortunate fir forest" (Tannenwald). When I was girding up my loins to doubt this, I found out that Tannenwald in this instance was a man's name.
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